Autopilot for your resume

Keeping a resume up-to-date is a task that we usually don't pay attention to until it's time to look for a new job. I have gone through different iterations from using word documents to using Apple Page to create a resume I like. You have probably spent of hours on making sure all the dates line up and everything fits into a page so did I.

In order to remove all the overhead related to keeping an updated resume I decided to look into, a JSON schema for your resume. There are pre-made themes that you can use as well so all you need to do is create a JSON file with your resume information.

JSON resume project has a CLI that lets you generate PDF and HTML version of your resume. Hmmm, this means I can put it up online as well. This is why I ended up creating a GitHub Action to deploy to a domain I own on each merge to master. You might ask now I have to deal with hosting it. Netlify can take care of that for you, there is a GitHub Action for that.

This approach makes it extremely easy to keep an updated resume, try different themes and spend 0 minutes aligning!

Feel free to fork this repo and add your information:

You can see my resume at: and the PDF version at:

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